Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kicking the Carbs!

So as most of you know I've eaten a pretty bad diet in my university career, rice, rice with salt and pepper, got scurvy, decided to add vegetable mix, got tired of that and went to intense amounts of pasta and soup, etc.
Now that I've been on this crossfit training program with nick the effects of that diet are really showing in terms of how slowly I build muscle and my stupidly high heart rate.
As a student, I've never been able to justify changing my diet from an economic standpoint until now. Norway's food prices are structured differently so that cabbage is pretty much just as expensive as pasta, and so that canned soup is far beyond my budget. Instead powdered flavour and REAL meats and vegis are relative to soup, much cheaper. Thus i am replacing all of my pasta and rice with cabbage and all of my chunky soups with real vegis and meats.
Today is day 1, I just made a slop (somewhere between a soup and a stew) consisting of:

1/2 a head of cabbage
400g of Torsk (Cod Fish)
1/2 an onion
2 cloves of garlic
chicken soup powder

I fried everything but the soup in a pan until it browned and mix nicely, while I did this I mixed the soup mix with water and boiled it. Then I poured the soup into the pan and did what Nick calls "braising". Anyways I tasted damn good and I don't have that feeling of death like I did after eating a comparable amount of pasta. It seems like a win win situation (except for nick who has to live next door to my on a high protein/cabbage/onion/garlic diet, any of you who know how i react to food will know that I'm not his favourite person right now :p )

who knows maybe I'll live past the grand age of 30 on this diet :P

Anyways, I have 1 pic posted on flicker


Sunday, February 21, 2010


I just got back from a sleepover in a cabin called Kramboden. Its owned by the university and students rent it out for parties. About 60 of us (students) took a 1hr bus trip into the boons to the base of the mountain where the cabin was. Along the way we saw some fjords that had speed skating tracks cleared in them with some REALLY fast skaters on them. The roads went down to those winding 1 lane mountain roads with drops on the side after about 30min, and it was a fun game of seeing who would have to backup if we ran into cars going in the opposite direction. There was this really cool ghetto gondola that went up to the cabin that we couldnt use, probably because it was just a board of wood on an aircraft cable and a winch, very safe. It took 40min to get us up the 0.5km hike, it was pretty slippery and people were falling everywhere and taking out the people behind them :p
The cabin was SICK!, oldschool thing with 2 fireplaces and woodstoves, and a crap load of beds. so we spent a couple hours trying to cook rice and beef stew on the woodstoves, it took so long becuase the pots were somwhere between 2x2 or 3x3 feet; lots of hungry people.
Of course the drinking games were intense, flip cup, cards etc. It reminded me of those bud light commercials with the cabin parties full of tons of people dancing on tables and partying it up like wild animals in a cabin :p bottom line it was awesome!
There was also a cool hottub that some norwegians dragged up the mountain a few years back. it was a massive wood barrel made of vertical boards held together by metal rungs. It was heated by an oldschool watertight woodstove mounted inside the barrel. so basically you fill it with water, let the wood swell and become watertight, then start feeding wood into the once side of the tub where the woodstove was... it was about the coolest thing ever! BUT it was empty when we got there, and i wasnt about to be the one that waited a few days for that sucker to warm up :p
I think my favourite part of the night was when there was leftover stew at 3am and there were no spoons or plates left, so one of the Norwegian students and I found some coffee filters and started scooping stew from the pot with them. Then laughing in a state of complete drunkeness we used them like bowls/squeeze tubes it was like eating from a gogourt tube, but way messier and stew like:p
Oh wait, there was also a point at 6am when someone tried to make popcorn by buttering a pan and dumping cornels on it, then placing it over an open fire. of course the butter caught fire and started smoking out the cabin setting off the fire alarm (it was really weird this place had a fire alarm, i mean it had no running water or electrical appliances, or plugs that i can remember, but it has a fire alarm wired direct to the fire department). So a French guy ripped off his shirt, used the shift like gloves, grabbed the flaming pan and dove through a window with it! hehehe it was ridiculous because we still had to call the firedepartment and let them know it was a false alarm. but when we called the it was so static they had no idea what we were saying and gave up listening to us (note to self, dont put trust in emergency operators) needless to say the firedepartment didnt show up and we continued to have a great time. I dont have any pics but im sure there will be some enbarrasing ones of me popping up on facebook over the next couple days :p

peace out for now


Sunday, February 7, 2010

im really bad at updating this thing

Ok so nothing terribly exciting since the last blog, its been a lot of school work and projects. I managed to find some running shoes that i can wear around the residence areas and run outside with when it gets warmer out.
I also got a hair cut the other day, SNYKEEESS that was expensive, it cost about 60 canadian dollars AFTER a 20% student discount! but I did get a head massage with it, sooooo it kinda made it more justifiable for that price. I was told there was a cheaper place after i got my hair cut. but everyone thats gone there says you have to wear a hat for a few weeks afterwards becuase its soo bad.

I just bought a round trip plane ticket to Poland in may for 30 euro. going there for a weekend to drink and check out the scenery in Krakow ( i think thats how you spell it). Theres a group of exchange students going so it should be fun. In fact i should have just flown to another country and got my hair cut, it might have been cheaper :p

Today i went on a hike up anither mountain with Mika. Nick was too hungover to come so he missed out. it was by far the best view ive had yet from a mountain. the hike up sucked though, we followed a ski trail through the narliest woods ever. we could hadrly navigate the trees walking, so i have no idea how the crazy skiers did it. when we got up 3/4 of the way the snow was soo deep we were crawling (yes i forgot to bring my sno shoes AGAIN! you think i would learn) but the top was worth it. we found a groomed trail to run down afterwards, which is always my favourite part. i love running down the mountain because you can go really fast with little effort and if you bail, you just roll, no biggie :)

so next weekend i might go to Voss which has some great skiing, and the weekend after im going to some place called kramboden with a large group of students, its a cottage that the students use for partying. apparently it has a hot tub and everything so that should be pretty rad.

OH and i just finished another seminar course, this one was about communicating in the energy sector with reference to cross cultural issues. basically we were put into teams from various countries. had to study their culture and emulate it in negotiations over green technology business transactions. pretty fun, pretty easy :) this also means i have earned enough credits in two weeks to count has a credit back at ivey (Sweeeeet).

well i gtg its madelenes birthday (neighbor) and im late


oh and the pics of the hike are at
