Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 3 - Sunday Morning

I must say other than dealing with some drunk Norwegian pounding on the walls of the hallway at 7am and then dealing with him subsequently pulling the fire alarm, I feel pretty good. I even had to go for a walk outside, find the guy, lure him back to the building and stick him infront of the firefighters so that he would pay the fine for a false alarm and not everyone else that lives in our blokk (about $700 dollars). This normally would have made me grumpy, I dont like to inflict pain on people (in this case financial pain) but I feel more relaxed now that I have my entire trip up here, making the event glide past smoothly.

Last night I was going nuts, not only could I not eat sugar or carbs; excluding the frozen pizza I have left in the freezer from my diet, I am an absolute terrible cook (Mark can attest to this, I once made his gums bleed from consuming a bowl of my homemade onion soup). I have been eating nothing but natural yogurt (no flavour, just sourness) cabbage, and chicken for the last few days and its finally starting to get to me. I have been using no spices, and simply throw it all in a pan with some water, cover it and let it mush together into a tasteless soggy slop. So last night I cracked and asked Nick for some cooking advice and managed to make the most tasty meal I have ever been apart of cooking. I used one pan to fry some pollock and another to fry some spinach, cabbage and garlic. I used salt and pepper on both, and when it was done I topped the pollock with some lemon sauce. This may sound like common sense to most people, but try to keep in mind I'm a useless uncommon person :p

Pic at

It took me half an hour to eat the meal, slowly savouring every bit, then I just sat there and starred out the window for another half hour or so, reminiscing about good ol' times with family and friends. I have not been that relaxed and calm since long before I came to Norway.
After this I nestled into bed with a hot cafiene free tea and watched the episode "flowering" of a documentary series called "The Private Life of Plants" which convinced me quite thoroughly that plants are capable of upper level thought and are quite possibly wiser and better strategists than we are, then went to bed for a short while until the pounding of a drunk norwegian awoke the entire 7th floor of F blokk.

To all my friends and family back home, know that its you that bring comfort to my travels, and not some new wounder you might think I have replaced you with.

1 comment:

  1. mm yummy, saw the pic and it actually looks edible! Good for you Mader thats fantastic.

    Man what I'd give to have some quiet moments with some tea and a cool documentary. Sounds like you really are living, and that makes me truly happy.

    Keep trying to spice up the limited food you can eat and you'll have many more nights like that!
