Well I may have finished my Economic history paper on the economic growth of Mozambique fairly fast, but this environmental economics paper on municipal solid waste and governmental design with respect to the Ontario/Michigan case is going soooooooo slow. I've been researching and formulating my arguments for 2 days now (only productive about 30% of the time, but I'm supposed to be on holidays anyways). Today I think I will finally start writing it, so that will be a quasi relief.
I Was planning on going for a hike this week of all 7 mountains of Bergen, but the weather took a complete 180 and had a snow storm instead of a 10 degree sunny day. The forecast for the rest of the week is between 0-10 degrees and raining straight through. Lets just say my hiking plans are taking a rain check.
I place of where I should be writing or hiking ive been experimenting in the kitchen. I figure its the holidays and I'm at least going to eat well in place of a vacation. So I've managed to concoct turnip fries and I guess what you could call Kentucky fried fish (less the batter) really its just ghee (boiled butter) and garlic sauce smothered on ground fish and turnip fries and baked in the oven. It tastes like fast food only it wont give you PMS (post mcdonalds syndrome) and wont make you puke your guts out for a 2 hour walk home from a KFC (mark knows what I'm talking about).
I also managed to make what I'm calling egg cake. Its basically like making an omelet in layers and baking it in an oven. absolutely delicious and the eggs really help with recuperating from crossfit football.
anyways thats my break so far, I should probably stop procrastinating this paper and just write it
Pics and details of how I made my food are at